Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Olympic Games Keeping Wrestling

The recent decision of Olympic wrestling staying through 2024 ultimately helps college wrestling and has given us some publicity over the last year.  It has helped wrestling people at all levels from many nations come together.  Hopefully this momentum continues to go in the right direction as our governing bodies develop 5-10 year plans.  

It could have changed the way people look at us had it been cut.  A lot of the smaller college programs could have been affected.  But, it made us realize that we need to be different about how we’re marketing our sport.  We’ve been considered a blue-collar sport and some of these white collar sports have done a better job of marketing themselves at the international level.

For a guy like Dustin (Kilgore), it gives him a chance to not only be a world champ every year, but an Olympic champ every four years and keep his dream alive.  He now gets a few shots to make those Olympic teams.  He’s in a pretty good position right now. Dustin just needs to keep doing what he’s doing and learning as much as he can.

For guys like Ian Miller, it gives them an opportunity when college is over if they want to pursue a wrestling career, that option is there.

Plain Dealer: Wrestling's Olympic victory benefits Ohio's deep talent pool

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