Friday, September 25, 2015

Four Weeks Down!

It’s hard to believe we just finished up our fourth week of preseason conditioning. Before you know it we will be loading up the bus and hitting the road for the Eastern Michigan Duals in early November.   The guys are more than excited for the first day of official practice starting Oct. 10.  

For the most part our guys have been extremely focused on getting better every day regardless of the task we put in front of them.     Running day after day can be very boring and monotonous and at times, some of our guys remind us that they are not track athletes.  That being said, I just let them know it’s a long season and the work they put in now will pay off in March.  But for the most part our guys are willing to run through a brick wall to get better.    That’s why I’m excited for this season.

The team culture is strong and everyone is on the same page. We started a team motto back in May to establish that culture; it’s O.W.E. (Out-Work-Everyone).  It’s simple and straightforward; continually have the mind-set that your opponents are doing more then you to get better every day.   Then use that perception to Out-Work-Everyone on and off the mat!!!   So far, it’s been a great coaching tool and helps the guys keep each other motivated when things get tough. 

Once again, I’m eager for the season to begin and looking forward to seeing the fruits of our labor spill out onto the mat this season.   Time will tell but so does hard work and effort. 

Go Flashes,

Matt Hill